
Spirk (with a small dose of Pinto)

Fan Fiction and Personal Ramblings



For anyone who cares…

my review for the latest SW is in my comments to Jamie on the rambles for 01/14/2020

May contain spoilers

Ramblings for December 06, 2018


beverage blur candy candy cane
Photo by Pixabay on

Tonight our power will be turned off and isn’t supposed to come back on until about 4AM. Sigh. I guess it will definitely be dark for sleeping.

Looks like Disneyland on Sunday is happening as we have scheduled the time for leaving and everything. I suppose I will still be skeptical until I walk through the gate! HA.

Tomorrow will be another Flash Fic Friday. So you have that to look forward to.

You all know I finished Where My Demons Hide. It’s a relief to have it over. That leaves me with only 11 current WIPs. I say “only” because I have had at one time or another more than 15.

My plan right now is not to post any more WIPs. If I have something finished, like the Christmas story, I will post it, but once those WIPs are completed, I won’t be posting any more. It’s very possible I won’t be writing any more fan fics at all once those are done. I think I’m getting close to saying all I have to say about Kirk and Spock. I am definitely repeating stories and ideas.

That may or may not be what you want to hear, but that’s where I am coming from.

The thing is I do have other ideas, like the one that goes with ‘Dancing on My Own’, but I am not sure at this point that I am ever going to write it.

Writing has always been my therapy. Anyway, that’s something you can hopefully look forward to in 2019, the conclusion of those 11 stories. My strategy might change on how I work on them. It might be that I will just pick a story and write on it until its done, and then so on with each story, we shall see.

December has begun its busy busy business. I have something planned for every weekend this month and many things during the week. Hopefully I will maintain my sanity as well as my physical health.

I’m tweaking one story for the Flash that I think needs more added and I am also working on the T’hy’la story. That’s it for this year, I think. Too busy and overwhelmed for much of anything else. I’d like to enjoy my holidays. I still have several movies to watch too.

You’ll notice I am using the free photos from WordPress for my blog lately, lol. Too lazy to upload new ones of my own, etc.


Weekly Ramblings, September 12, 2018

We are having some really great weather right now (sorry for those in the path of Florence) but for us, it’s 80s during the day and low 60s at night, great for sleeping with windows open. Sometimes September heat can be a nightmare so this is very welcome. And it looks to stay this way for the foreseeable future. It also helps us with our electric bill as we haven’t been needing to run the AC. It’s also perfect hot tea drinking weather after the sun goes down.

Last night just the two of us went to see Peppermint. If you’ve ever seen Death Wish from the 1970s with Charles Bronson, then you know what you have, but with Jennifer Garner in the Charles Bronson role. It had your typical caricature villains doing stupid stuff for no apparent reason, like killing her family, is a huge example. Anyway, despite the less than stellar movie, it was a nice get out for us.

Later a certain someone’s mood soured (not me) when one of our kitchen drawers broke (those little plastic pieces in the back that keeps the drawer in place. You would have thought it was the end of the world as we know it. Needless to say it’s a trip to the hardware store for us tonight after work.

I feel great about finishing Anything and, though admittedly, I would have liked a greater enthusiastic response to its conclusion I acknowledge a lot can happen in the near 2 years it’s been going.

I’m back to working on the Christmas story at the moment and I reread what I had written so far and very much liked it. It’s what I feel like working on right now with all the personal angst swirling around my head.

I got some new fall decorations that arrived yesterday and they look smashing. Including some fall flavored Salt Water Taffy. I can only indulge in a piece now and then but they make me happy so there! LOL.

As you may or may not remember, last holiday season I was sick as a damn dog (I hope to avoid that this year) and we also went out for Thanksgiving to a restaurant (side note: It was 100 degrees on Thanksgiving last year, UGH). We were all disappointed in our meal (I was super sick then too). Anyway, we are back to hosting it at our place this year and knowing that I bought M an apron with an applique turkey on it that says Happy Turkey Day. HA HA. Couldn’t resist.

At the moment I am on a self-imposed tumblr avoidance. I’ve made it so far three days. Go me!

And that’s it for my rambling at the moment


Ramblings June 26, 2018

I’m very pleased to have finished You’re in My Veins. Like most stories involving my boys, I probably could have gone on forever, or at least a few years. But I felt I had come to a place where I at least could end it.

That leaves only The Experiment left for my current WIPS for the Professor-Cadet series which is now up to like 21 stories. I am sure I will think of more because honestly those stories, set in the Academy, are my wheelhouse. I love the idea of getting them together at this point.

Not sure if I will get the next part of OMS ready for Friday but I will try.

Next up on updates is Where My Demons Hide. I left it at a very dark place and that’s going to continue but next chapter is going to be very much Spock/Kirk centered. I’ve started it, in fact started it not long after finishing the last chapter, but it’s not ready by any means, nor will it be until next week.

I have an idea for a one-shot too that I hope to start in the not too distant future but I am determined that it will be a one-shot and not go on forever and ever. LOL

Hard to believe next week is the 4th of July already. As I think I mentioned, on the evening of the 3rd we go to M’s cousin who lives in a city that does their fireworks on the 3rd. Weird, but true, and they have done that for years and years. Back in the old days it was free to get into the park near where they let them off and so we often attended with a group of friends. We’d bring blankets and KFC. It was fun. So many years ago now, really, that one of my friends who we used to go with passed away over ten years ago now, so yeah, long time we used to do that. They never put on the best show ever, but it was good. And free at a time where my own city was not (they are now). Then they began to charge and oddly enough it got busier than when it was free. It became such a hassle to get in there and get out that we all sort of mutually decided not to go.

Then M’s cousin started renting a place in the hills of the city and she had the perfect view of the fireworks the city lets off without all the hassle of the crowds. We could cook our own food, drink, play with the doggy she has. All in all a way better experience. We’ve been doing it there ever since.

On the 4th, we will have a bbq at the sister’s house in our own city. Sometimes we walk down to the park that they have the fireworks at and sometimes we watch from her house. Not sure what we will do this year. But the show is one of the best you’ve ever seen. A few years back they had a disaster involving exploding fireworks (no one was killed or maimed or anything) but they had to cancel as we were all sitting there waiting. It was something because as we were walking back to her house the news helicopters were everywhere.

Anyway, I’m blathering. It’s probably my favorite part of summer. Once that passes I am always eager for my favorite time to arrive, Autumn and the holidays! Alas, summer continues merrily burning on! HA

Last week I was talked into seeing Solo. It was okay. Better than I expected and pretty decent if I pretended he had nothing to do with Harrison Ford’s character, ha ha. I liked it better than Rogue One which I hated. This week we will be seeing Ocean’s 8.

Finally finished reading Needful Things. One of Stephen King’s long novels. It’s really sad how the people turn on each other and murder each other in a mob frenzy. I was glad to see some of my favorites in the story actually survived but some of the deaths and some of what went on, just terrible. You’d like to think people are better than that, but in today’s modern times, I can’t think that anymore.

That will be all until next week (unless OMS is updated Friday). Take care everyone and please be careful out there.

Ramblings, Week of May 21, 2018

Currently I am working on off Archive stuff. The 100 Words and The Sight.

Next up on Archive stories is Where My Demons Hide. I’m delaying working on it for a number of reasons, but the most relevant here is that I want to take Jim to a very dark place next and I’m not really sure how well that will go over with readers. I really can’t get the idea of what I want to do out of my head, so I am torn. I suppose I could write it and then “delete it” and consider it as a “deleted scene” like they do in movies (for example the scene where Amanda and Sarek welcome baby Spock, or Amanda tells Sarek she’s not happy with his response to Spock’s bullying, or the part where Sam leaves and Jim tells Frank he doesn’t want Sam to leave and Frank says what Jim wants is nothing because he is nothing).

Anyway, that’s where I am at, so…right now it’s stalled.

I updated a lot lately on there anyway so it’s cool. It’s time to let others shine on there with their updates.

Not sure when I will have chapter 3 of The Sight up but the next part of 100 Words is up tomorrow, Tuesday.

I took Friday off of work, so I have a 4 day weekend for Memorial Day Weekend. I am greatly looking forward to it.

This week we will finally see The Avengers. We never saw the original Deadpool so that’s not on our agenda and none of us is eager to see Solo, so that may push us next into whatever comes out in June after this. We shall see.

Mid-Week Rambles May 02, 2018

Baby Spock

So I started a new story, Nine Lives, which will no doubt fill those who think I shouldn’t write anything new with the proper outrage. But I wanted to have something a little fun to write for myself, though there will be elements of angst. It’s still me. Honestly it’s another idea that sort of became more than I intended when I first thought about it while lying awake at night.

I still intend to update All I Ever Wanted this week. Not sure if I will get to Unbonded until next week. I also hope to finish my ongoing 100 words story PDQ.

On the personal front I bought a new coffeemaker. There was nothing wrong with my Keuring, honestly, but this one is a Hamilton Beach coffeemaker that can brew a carafe of coffee or a k-cup, both. I loved that idea. I’ve been eyeing it for a bit and finally broke down and got it from QVC because I could spread the payments out between 3 months. I just received it last night. Now I can make pots of coffees for us or for guests or whatever or just a single couple if it’s only me. Plus I’ll probably use less k-cups, which are bad for the environment.

Went and saw A Quiet Place last night. Pretty damn disturbing to be honest. I don’t know which of you has heard about this movie but it is intense and not good for the faint of heart. I heard there is going to be a sequel and I think I may have to skip that.

The last few days have been cool here and yesterday, on May 01, we had some rain. It was shocking. Funny thing is it’s supposed to be 85 Friday. Thus is the enigma of California.

Speaking of Friday I have a follow-up Doctor’s appointment I do not want to go to. Sigh. And he wants me to have some tests. Ordinary tests for those my age but still. I hate tests and doctors. I haven’t made any of those appointments yet so I will have to lie a bit Friday and say I did and then I will make them later.

Don’t even ask me when I last went to the dentist. You don’t want to know! LOL.

Quick Update

Super short, I think.

You are the Light That’s Leading Me is finished and I couldn’t be more thrilled at the very positive reaction I’ve received. I will be basking in the glow for a long time.

I have put Bitter Frost on temporary hiatus. It’s supposed to be up next per my spreadsheet but I am not feeling it at the moment, so while I can 100% say it hasn’t been abandoned, it’s on the backburner right now. I promise to get back to it.

What I will be working on next is You’re in My Veins and Young and Beautiful. Probably no AO3 updates this weekend.

I might post 100 words updates more quickly as I am quite a bit ahead on it. Stay tuned.

I am, of course, thrilled to hear about Star Trek 4. I just hope there will be lots of Spock and Kirk interaction. I’ve heard rumors that the QT one will NOT involve the Kelvin group and I am not sure how I feel about that at this point.

More Ramblings, April 25, 2018


Went and saw Rampage last night with a group of friends. This is the one with Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson. I have to say I found it quite entertaining. But I really like him. He’s really nice to look at and very funny and charming. He had some great lines in this too. Like, “of course the wolf flies”. LOL.

This weekend is my great niece’s second birthday party which will be held at a Shakey’s Pizza. It’s two hours away, which is too far, really, but you do what you gotta do.

On the very upside I think during weigh in tomorrow at WW I will have lost 18 pounds. Go me.

As I indicated earlier, I updated Didn’t We Almost Have it All on Monday. Check it out if you didn’t get a chance because it’s pretty intense. On Tuesday, I updated You are the Light That’s Leading Me.  My goal now for the rest of this week is to maybe get this one finally done. It would be nice to have one of the ones I started in 2016 concluded.

I’ll be honest. Once I finish my WIPs I am considering not writing anymore. I haven’t made up my mind 100% but that’s where I am leaning. No need to worry, I have plenty still going for now but recent events have been discouraging and I just don’t know that I have it in me to keep at this for any length of time. We will see how it goes.

Ramblings of the Week, 01/22/2018

St. John USVI

And yes, I am going to that place you see above, that is Trunk Bay, St. John US Virgin Islands

Okay I have pre-scheduled 100 words or less flashes for this Friday, the 26th, and next Friday, February 02.

I can hardly believe it is almost time for my cruise. We take the “flyaway” to the airport Friday night. I don’t know if other areas have this but it’s an airport bus service so that you don’t have to drive yourself all the way to LAX. Or beg someone else to do it for you. LAX is a major pain to drive to because it’s on one of the world’s busiest freeways. Anyway, it’s much easier to convince a friend or family member to take you to the Flyaway. Our flight leaves at 11:50 PM Friday night and we land at 7:30 AM or so in Orlando. At about 10 we take a shuttle we paid for through Carnival to the port where our ship leaves. We can get on about Noon and the ship departs at 4:00 PM Saturday afternoon.

I will be back somewhere around 8:30 to LAX on Saturday February 03. Then we collect our luggage and catch a Flyaway bus back where someone picks us up from there. Probably be in my house ready for bed by 11ish. I hope. LOL. Then I will have all day Sunday the 4th to recuperate and do laundry.

When I made the plans for this trip it seemed so far away so that it is actually here is pretty strange to me. There are nine of us going so it should be fun.

This week I’d like to finish Who’s the Daddy, get a new chapter done on Bitter Frost, and a new one on You’re in My Veins. I am pretty sure I can do it.

No movie this week. Last week we saw Jumanji. It was amusing. We’ve seen everything we were going to see I think anyway. I think in February we will see the Pacific Rim movie. And of course in March is Wrinkle in Time.

Ramblings will be back February 05, 2018



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