Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina Food Photographer/Stylist on

I’m moving right along on the flashes. I have written and scheduled all the way through December 16th now and have also written and scheduled some out of order. I’ll be working on December 17th today.

Up next for AO3 is supposed to be The Mysterious One but not sure when I’m going to get to it to be honest. I am having too much fun with the flashes and I have other life obligations as well, so, when I can, I shall. I did update My Heart Wants to Sigh, so that was a fun update.

Work promises to be a bit interfering this week since I am off next.

It was quite warm here this past weekend so we were able to sit out on the cousin’s balcony/patio for dinner on Saturday night. Very nice.

Yesterday we visited with my relatives who are out from Kansas. It was actually all right, though I had been kind of dreading it. Sometimes you dread things more out of proportion than it ends up being and that is the case with this.

That’s pretty much it for now. Not terribly exciting I am afraid!