
Spirk (with a small dose of Pinto)

Fan Fiction and Personal Ramblings


Advent Calendar

Carol of the Bells

Advent Day 24

The final one. Years ago I wrote A Spirky Christmas Carol where Spock was the “Scrooge” character. I decided to do it this year with Jim. Enjoy! This is the very long “flash” LOL

I hope you love it. I am taking the rest of the year off from this blog, thank you for your support and Happy New Year too.

Merry Christmas!

Admiral James Kirk moved away from the window of his office. It was pouring rain and even there in the office the chill was on.

“Might I put on the heat, sir?”

Jim snorted at the idea. Ensign Robert Lewis rubbed his hands together dramatically. Sure it was a little cold, but not as bad as that.

“Just focus on the task at hand.”

Ensign Lewis glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s a bit past my normal quitting time, Admiral.”


“It’s just that…it’s Christmas Eve, sir.”

“So what?” Jim moved to sit behind his desk.

“I don’t mind, Admiral. But the family—”

“The family do not work for me. And as far as I am aware are not members of Starfleet.”

The ensign blanched. “Well, no, sir.”

“Get back to your desk, Lewis.”

The ensign did as he was told but Jim could see he was not at all happy about it.

Just then the door of Jim’s office burst open.


Jim’s jaw tightened as his nephew, Peter, strode over to him.

“Haven’t I told you not to come by during business hours?”

“Business hours?” Peter exclaimed. “This late on Christmas Eve? That’s surely a sin.”

“Here, here,” Lewis mumbled.

“What was that, Ensign?”

“Nothing, sir.”

Jim leaned back in his chair and observed his nephew. He wore an overcoat and had a plaid scarf wrapped around his neck.

“What do you want anyway?”

“Uncle, don’t be cross.”

“What else can I be with idiots like you running around talking about Christmas? What’s Christmas to you anyway? All it does is make you another day older and not a bit wiser.”

Peter laughed. “Well, certainly the older part’s true. But I don’t know, I think Christmas is a time when everyone’s a bit nicer to each other. At least for a few weeks anyway. Come and dine with us tomorrow.”

Jim frowned. “Us?”

“Yes, my wife and me. We’re having a Christmas luncheon and we’d love to have you.”

“I’d forgotten you got married.” He shook his head. “Love. Another idiotic notion.”

“I won’t let your grumpiness ruin my good cheer. Will you come? Luncheon will be served at one, but you’re welcome to come earlier.”

“Of course I’m not coming. I don’t make merry at Christmas.”

“But I don’t understand why,” Peter admitted.

“Now please go away and let me get my work done.”

Peter sighed and shook his head. “I just don’t understand why you’re so stubborn and resolute. But I’ll keep my Christmas cheer just the same and say Merry Christmas. And Happy New Year.”

Jim watched as Peter left his office and he felt pleased at having successfully gotten rid of the boy.

He worked another hour and then noticed that once more Ensign Lewis was fidgeting.

“Okay fine. Go home. Why bother working hard enough to make something of yourself.”

Lewis scrambled up from his chair and quickly grabbed up the regulation coat he had hanging off a hook nearby.

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

Ensign Lewis paused by the door. “Tomorrow is Christmas, sir.”


“I have that as a day off. Scheduled far in advance, Admiral.”

“Fine. But you’d better be here bright and early the next day.”

“I will, sir.”

And out he was.

“Not much help anyway,” Jim mumbled. He stared at his terminal and his vision started to blur, so he turned it and rose himself from behind his desk.

He went to get his coat and umbrella, and then left his office at last. He took the stairs instead of the lift, and soon was outside trying to stay as dry as possible. Not easy with the wind making the rain slash sideways.

He lived in an old building not far from HQ. It hadn’t been upgraded in sometime and was several hundred years old, but it was cheap and close and that’s what mattered to him.

His was one of only two apartments on the second floor and the other one was vacant at the moment. He made his way to his and let himself in.

It was quite cold and he considered turning on the heat, but figured he’d go to bed soon anyway so there was little point.

Jim put on his pajamas and robe, then went into the kitchen to heat himself some soup. He was on the couch eating it when he heard strange noises.

He couldn’t have explained what it sounded like if someone asked. Just sort of hollow and echoey and he knew that made no sense.

But as he stared at his front door, the lock he had slung across himself twisted open. It was then that he cursed himself for not keeping his phaser handy. The door flew open and in walked—

“Pike?” Jim stood so abruptly he spilled some of the hot soup on his leg, but he ignored the sting of the burn.


“I’m imagining things,” he said faintly.

“No, I am most definitely here. Sit, Jim. I have some things to tell you.”

“But you’re dead. You’ve been dead for years.” Jim sat anyway, automatically.

“I’m still dead. That’s why I’m here. To help you.”

Jim shook his head as Pike, or Pike’s ghost, approached him. “A night of undisturbed rest would likely help me far more than whyever you’re here.”

“I come to save more than your mere life, Jim.”

“Can you sit?”

“Yes.” And Pike did in a chair across from the couch upon which Jim sat. “I’m not really sure how it is I’m here now in a form you can see. I’ve observed you many times unseen over the years.”

Jim wasn’t sure he liked the idea of ghost spying on him and he shivered.

“Whatever the case, I can tell you I’m here to make you see the bad direction your life has taken.”

“Bad?” Jim scoffed. “There’s nothing wrong with my life.”

“You’re alone and friendless. That’s not the Jim I knew. Tonight you will be visited by another spirit.”

“What? Another?”

“The first of three. You can expect that spirit to appear at one in the morning. The next will appear—”

“Can’t they all come at once so I can get it over with?”

“Heed what they say, Jim. Don’t be stubborn. They are coming to help you have a better future.” Pike rose. “And now I must return.”

Jim stood too. “Where do you go? Why do you haunt me?”

But the ghost of Pike or whatever it was Jim thought he saw was gone. As though he, IT, had never been there.

And Jim decided it hadn’t been.

“I haven’t been sleeping well,” he said out loud. “A hallucination brought about by my insomnia is all.” 

It was best to ignore the whole thing and go to bed. And since he had nothing to do and no one to see for Christmas, he would spend the whole day in bed tomorrow too.

Jim couldn’t have said when he fell asleep or even when he woke, but suddenly he felt a hand upon his cheek and he opened his eyes to see a petite dark-haired woman standing beside his bed.

“How’d you get in here?” he demanded.

Then he realized belatedly she was familiar. She wore a floral scarf around her head.

“Wait.” He scooted up on the bed until he rested on the headboard. “You’re…”

“Hello Jim.”

“Spock’s mom.”

She inclined her head in a way that reminded him so much of Spock it rendered him bereft in a way he hadn’t felt in years.

“I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.”

“Long past?”

“Oh, no. Your past, Jim.”

“But you are Amanda Grayson, aren’t you?”

She did not answer him, instead held out her hand. “Rise and walk with me.”

Jim shifted on the bed and gave her his hand as she dragged him to his feet. Her hand was warm to the touch and not icy as he had expected from a ghost.

Suddenly they were no longer in his apartment but instead out before a farmhouse, the ground covered with snow.

“Do you know this place?” she asked.

“Sure, I do.”

“Come to the barn with me.”

They walked over to the big red barn, where Jim spotted a big hulking figure of a man hunched over a classic car engine.

“Frank,” he whispered.

“Not only Frank.”

Jim shook his head.

“Start the car again you little moron!” Frank shouted.

Jim glanced toward the little boy sitting in the car. “That’s me.”

She nodded. “I know. This was before your brother left.”

“Yeah, though he was never around much anyway. He always left me to get the most of Frank’s abuse.”

The car tried to turn over, but it just made a strange choking sound.

“You’re flooding it, you dumbass.”

Frank straightened and went to the car door, wrenching it open. He yanked the boy out of the car.

“You can’t do anything right, you loser. Get out of here. You’re no help anyway.”

He pushed the boy hard enough to cause him to trip. Little Jim fell on the ground.

“He was a beast of a man, wasn’t he?”

Jim shrugged. “Most days were like this. Or worse. Mom was off planet most of the time then and so Frank just had free reign to do whatever he wanted.”

Just then an older boy appeared, Sam, who leaned down to help Jim to his feet.

“Leave my brother alone,” Sam said angrily. He looked at Jim. “You okay?”

“Eh, he’s okay,” Frank snarled. “He’s just a cry baby like all the Kirks.”

“Sam did care about you, didn’t he?” she asked.

“Who knows?”

“He died as a young man and had children.”

“One. One son.”

“Your nephew, Peter.”

Jim nodded. “Yeah, that’s right.”

“He looks a bit like Sam, don’t you think?”

Jim thought about it, looked at young Sam. “Maybe. I can see it, yeah.”

She put her hand on his arm. “Time to move on.”

The scene changed entirely and suddenly they were at HQ in a big ball room where there was obviously a holiday party going on. Dozens of Starfleet officers and crew members were there.

“When was this?” Amanda wondered.

“The Christmas after Nero,” Jim explained. He glanced at her. “You know who Nero is, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said softly. “I know.”

Jim turned as Captain Pike greeted everyone at the party.

“Welcome! The food and drink are free, which is why I’m sure you’re here.” Everyone laughed. “We’ve come a long way in the last few months. So enjoy, be merry, and hope for a better future for us all. Happy Holidays.”

Jim smiled as he spotted his younger self with Bones laughing and drinking in the corner.

“You remember this party?”

“Oh yeah. It was a great time. All my friends were there. My crew.” He turned to survey the room and spotted Spock standing with Uhura. Her hands were on his chest and she was smiling. “There’s Spock with Uhura.”

“Yes,” Amanda said.

“Did you ever meet her?”

She shook her head. “This party doesn’t seem that big of a deal that everyone seems so happy. Just a bit of free food and drink. Didn’t even cost a lot.”

“The cost wasn’t the point. It was to bring us all together after months of tragedy. To celebrate the season and each other.”

“So you liked Christmas then?”

Jim frowned. “Hmm. Maybe it wasn’t so great after all.”

She smiled faintly. “This wasn’t real?”

His gaze went back to where he stood with Bones. His heart constricted. Bones. He missed him more than he could say.

“No, this was real. This was all real.”

She took his hand. “Time to see something else.”

Once more the scene changed to several years later and this time it was to him and Spock alone in a different apartment in San Francisco than the one he had now.

“No,” Jim whispered. “Please, I don’t want to see this.”

“It is what it is, Jim. I cannot change it.”

She gestured to the younger versions of Jim and Spock. He stepped closer, bile rising in his throat.

“You do not wish to go to New Vulcan with me?” Spock asked.

“New Vulcan?” Jim scoffed. “What for?”

“To bond with me.”

“Bond? That’s for Vulcans. Humans don’t bond with that Vulcan voodoo thing.”

“Doctor McCoy—”

“Don’t mention him. It’s thanks to you he’s gone.”


“Bones was right anyway about that voodoo crap.”

“Then you will not bond with me even though we are T’hy’la?”

Jim laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re not fated mates or any of that. What complete bullshit that is. We were just playing around, Spock. Having sex. It was nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious,” Spock repeated faintly.

“Right. I mean, I guess I’m sorry you thought it was.” Jim shook his head. “I gotta go. They want to see me at headquarters. Bye, Spock.”

And Jim watched as his younger self left Spock alone.   

“No, Spock! I-I didn’t mean any of that. I was just…I was just scared. And angry. And sad. What I said was—”

Spock bowed his head and then leaned against the wall. Tears streamed down his face.


“Spock! Spock, no! Listen.”

Jim found himself back in his bedroom, in his bed, and alone once more.


It seemed only seconds passed before there was a bright shining light in his room. So bright that he shielded his eyes.

It winked out and there standing beside his bed was…Bones.


Jim scrambled out of bed so fast he nearly tripped on the tangle of covers.

“Bones? Is that you? It is you, isn’t it?”

“I’m the spirit of Christmas Present, kid.”

His throat clogged. “Kid. Do you know how long it’s been since you called me kid?”

He wanted to hug his old friend, but on the other hand, Bones didn’t look entirely solid, which reminded him Bones was gone. And Jim was friendless.

Bones looked at him with sympathy which made Jim’s eyes hurt.

“Come on, Kid. There’s much to see.”

And as before with Christmas Past, the scene changed and suddenly Jim and Bones stood before a dingy apartment in an inside hallway with stained carpeting down the hallway and dim overhead lights.

“What is this place?” he asked with a frown.    

“This is where your assistant lives.”

“Ensign Lewis?”

“Mm. Come.” And Bones touched his sleeve and they walked through the wall and into the apartment.

Jim spotted the ensign right away, dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, his feet bare. He was not alone. With him was a teenaged girl, perhaps fifteen, and a small boy, no more than five and appearing very pale and frail. The boy’s leg was twisted and misshapen.

“Who are they?”

“Bob Lewis’ children.”


Bones’ look was derisive. “You do know your assistant’s first name, don’t you?”

“I know it’s Robert. I…never paid attention to whether he went by Bob. Where’s their mother?”

“Gone for some time,” Bones replied. “She died in the explosion on Trias 4, where she was stationed with Starfleet at the time. Fortunately, the children were here on Earth at the time.”

“I didn’t know he was a single father.”

“You never bothered to ask, though, did you?”

“No,” Jim admitted.

“I’ve got Christmas off,” Bob was saying. “So the three of us can spend the whole day together. I’ll make a turkey with all the fixings. You’ll help, won’t you, Martha?”

“Of course I will, Dad.”

“Who watches them when Bob’s at work?”

“Martha watches the boy, Tim.”

“She’s just a child herself.”

“There’s no one else. Martha home schools herself and Tim.”

Jim thought of all the times he kept Bob late. Later than he should have. Including this very day. He bowed his head for a moment, feeling like a jerk. He hadn’t always been like this.

He looked up. “What’s wrong with Tim?”

“The mother was part Andorian and had the genes for a disease native to Andorians which she, unfortunately, passed on to her son, though she didn’t have it herself,” Bones explained. “It caused him to be lame with that bad leg among other things.”

“Can he be helped? Is there a cure?”

“With a better life for Bob, maybe. With more time and resources. But he’s been wanting to be promoted to Lieutenant for some time but it never happens for him.” Bones glanced at Jim. “I hear he’s even got a mark on his record for poor performance.”

Jim winced, for he had given Bob that mark himself. The mistake the ensign had made hadn’t been that bad, just quite careless, and Jim had…he shook his head.

“Will Tim live without treatment?”

“No,” Bones said, bluntly. “Without proper care for his condition, next Christmas it’ll be just Bob Lewis and his daughter, Martha.”


“But now it’s time for bed,” Bob announced with false cheer. And Jim watched as Bob and Martha scooped up little Tim and carried him to his bed.

“Why do you care anyway?” Bones asked. “Come on, it’s time to see someone else.”   

This time, Jim found himself before an average middle-class neighborhood before a cozy looking ranch-style house with neat trim that reminded him of a gingerbread house.

“Where is this?”

“Your nephew, Peter’s house.”

Jim frowned. “Peter lives here?”

“Never been, huh?”


“Just what have you been doing, Jim?”

“Living my life just like everyone else,” he said defensively.

Bones snorted. “Yeah right.”

They were suddenly in Peter’s house and he was surrounded by people, friends Jim guessed, and his arm was around a pretty brunette Jim assumed was Peter’s wife.

“So, why do you always invite your uncle for Christmas, Peter?” a man asked.

Peter shrugged. “I guess I feel sorry for him.”

“Sorry?” Peter’s wife scoffed. “He’s a miserable man who doesn’t care about anyone else. He’s got wealth he does nothing with. Even the Federation wishes he’d just go away at this point.”

“But that’s the point, the way he is brings the terrible consequences he faces, and I want him to wake up to what life can and should be for him,” Peter explained. “My dad…he had a lot of regrets where his little brother was concerned. He was sorry he left him to fend for himself when he couldn’t take life with Frank anymore. Dad regretted it for the rest of his life and he never really had a chance to make it up to my uncle, so I guess I want to make it up to him in some small way. I’m the only family Uncle Jim has left. We should spend time together.” Peter smiled a little. “I hope someday to convince him.”

Jim bit his lip and shook his head.

“What?” Bones asked.

“Just…I should make a little more effort for Peter. It’s not his fault his dad was a jackass.” Jim looked away. “I should have accepted his invitation for Christmas.”

“Come, one more place to see.”

They were back in the city of San Francisco proper and the area looked quite familiar to Jim.

“I know this place.”

“You should. You lived here a few years back.” Bones paused. “With Spock.”

“Spock,” he whispered. It was the apartment building they lived at when he…Jim wanted to disappear in shame.

Bones touched his shoulder. “Let’s see.”

Jim followed, but with a new sense of sorrow and remorse. He was led to an apartment on the fourth floor, a one bedroom, and there on a couch sat Spock. He didn’t look very much different than when Jim last saw him all those years ago, when Jim had broken his heart so callously. Perhaps at the temples, Spock had a hint of silver, but otherwise he was absolutely perfect in every way.

Jim left Bones and went to kneel on the floor beside Spock.

“Spock, you don’t know how sorry I am.”

“You should tell him, Jim.”

“I had no idea he was in San Francisco.”

“You didn’t ever check, did you?”

“No,” Jim admitted. “Would he even want to hear from me?”

“There’s only one way to find out.”

Jim stared at the Vulcan. “He’s so beautiful.”

“My time is at an end.”

Jim looked up, shocked, at Bones, who was already fading.

“Wait! No! Bones, please. I-I miss you so much. Please!”

But Bones disappeared and so did Spock.

Jim found himself not in the apartment anymore but in a cold dark place that after a while he recognized as a cemetery.

“Well, well, well.”

Jim froze at that sarcastic familiar face. He turned sharply. He was still kneeling, this time his knees knelt in damp, dank dirt.

Admiral Marcus.

“Surprised to see me, Kirk?”

He was filled with dread, all-consuming, actually.

“You could say that,” he whispered. “What do you want?”

“I’m the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come.”


 Marcus laughed. “Who else did you expect? Get up, Kirk. Come with me.”

He struggled to his feet, his gaze going to the grave he’d knelt by.

Timothy Lewis the name on the gravestone read.

“The boy?”

“Yes. He couldn’t be saved.” Marcus shrugged. “Most can’t be, Kirk. You should know that many must be sacrificed for the greater good.”

“Like my whole crew so you could start a war with the Klingons?”

“This isn’t about me, Kirk. It’s about you. Come on.”

Jim kept his gaze on the sad grave of his assistant’s son. Things could have been different if he’d known Jim was sure.

Marcus brought him within earshot of two Starfleet officers walking close to HQ.

“I thought he’d never die.”

“He probably thought so too. When did it happen?”

“Last night I guess. They were getting ready to arrest him for treason, you know.”

“Was it suicide then?”

“Don’t think so. I think it was just a coincidence. His heart couldn’t take it. He sure fell down far from the hero he once was.”

“Trying to start a massive Federation war? Yikes. It’s unbelievable.”

They went into HQ.

Jim frowned. “Who were they talking about? You?”

Marcus chuckled. “Future, Kirk. I don’t have one.”

The scene changed again and they were at a place that reminded him of New Vulcan. But they hadn’t boarded any ships.

“Where are we?”

“New Vulcan.”


“Just watch.”

Several robed and hooded Vulcans appeared in a solemn row. Jim couldn’t figure out what this had to do with him. He hadn’t been on New Vulcan for years.

Then more came and they appeared to be carrying a body on a slab of wood. It was then that Jim saw they were bringing it to a funeral pyre.

“Who has died?” he asked.

He thought perhaps Sarek, but he didn’t see Spock anywhere, and if he was there to see Spock of the future, he didn’t see why Marcus would take him to Sarek’s service if Spock wasn’t there.

“Why don’t you lift the cloth?” Marcus suggested.

“Won’t they—”

“They are unaware of our presence and our actions.”

Jim looked at Marcus and swallowed heavily. He dreaded lifting the cloth but knew it was something he needed to know.

He stepped over to where they’d stopped with the body on the slab. Hand shaking, he lifted it toward the cloth.

“Before I look, this can be changed, right? If I change, everything I’m seeing now doesn’t have to happen?”

Marcus shrugged.

“Why show me this if there’s no hope?”

Marcus pointed.

Jim exhaled slowly and lifted the cloth. Lying there on the slab, clearly pale and dead was…Spock.

His Spock.

He quickly dropped the cloth and stepped back.


“Spock finally accepted death as a way to end his torment at the rejection of his T’hy’la.”

He turned on Marcus. “Accepted death? He killed himself?”

“In a manner of speaking. He chose not to accept the offering of the surrogate for Pon Farr. In prior cycles, he had made use of that offer, but given what he knew of the charges against you—”

Charges against me?”

“You were the one those men spoke of, Kirk. You were about to be arrested for treason and Spock learned of it. The shame of what his T’hy’la had done was too much for him and he—”

“No! No way! It’s a lie,” Jim screamed. “I would never. I would never commit treason. That doesn’t happen. That is not the future.”

“Believe what you will, Kirk.”

They were suddenly back in the cemetery again, this time before another gravestone. This one was abandoned and decrepit. Vandalized.

Marcus pointed for Jim to look at it.

Jim closed his eyes and shook his head. “I can’t.”

“You can and will,” Marcus said sharply.

Jim nodded, sucked it up, and opened his eyes to see.

James T. Kirk, former hero of the Federation, now disgraced traitor

were the words on the stone.

He fell to his knees. “No. No. It’s not true. Spock. Spock, I swear, it’s not true. It’s not true.”


Jim woke, crying into his pillow.

“It’s not true.”

He gasped and sat up.

“I’m in my bed.” He felt his own body. “I’m not dead. I’m not a traitor. Thank God.”

Jim scrambled out of bed and ran to the window to look outside. It was a beautiful, clear day. The digital clock on the wall said the date was December 25.

“It’s Christmas,” he said, faintly. “I haven’t missed it.”

But there was so much to do. So much.

He got busy.


“Daddy, there’s someone at the door,” Martha told her father.

Bob Lewis was in the kitchen, getting ready to prepare Christmas dinner. “Hmm.”

He put his spoon down and walked around the counter of the kitchen, heading for the door.

“Merry Christmas!”

Bob frowned at the female yeoman standing at his door. “Merry Christmas,” he said.

The yeoman handed him two envelopes, and then a red and gold festively wrapped box with a bow.

“What’s this?” he asked.

The yeoman smiled. “From Admiral Kirk.” She paused. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”

And then she turned around and walked down the hallway.

Bob closed the door and turned to look into the curious faces of his children. He handed the wrapped box to Martha, and then opened one of the envelopes.

 “You have been promoted to Lieutenant, effective immediately,” Bob read out loud. “Admiral James T. Kirk.”

Martha’s eyes widened. “Daddy, that’s wonderful!”

He went on to read, “Your record has been cleared. You also have tomorrow off. See you the next day. Merry Christmas.”

His eyes stung a bit as he realized they were filling with tears. He opened the other envelope and saw that it was information about a specialist for Tim and that they had an appointment with that specialist after the New Year. And that it would all be taken care of by Starfleet, via Admiral Kirk.

“Can we open the present, Daddy?” Martha asked.

“Yes,” Bob told his children, smiling through his tears. “Yes, we can. And we’re sure to have a very Merry Christmas!”


Jim waited a few minutes before the doorbell was answered by Peter.

“Uncle Jim!” Peter exclaimed, clearly shocked.

Jim smiled. “Merry Christmas. Can I come in?”

“I…of course you can.” Peter seized his hands and dragged him into the house. “This is…this is a wonderful surprise.”

“Is it? I’m glad. I came to meet your wife and to accept your invitation to lunch.” He paused. “Except, it might not be until tomorrow.”


“There’s someone I really have to see today. And I, I’m hoping when I come for lunch, it won’t be alone. But we’ll see.”

Peter’s wife came into the front hall then. He recognized her from his trip here with Bones.

“Darling, this is my Uncle Jim.”


Jim leaned his forehead on Spock’s apartment door. Now that he was here, he had no idea what he could say to make the way he had treated Spock acceptable or forgivable.    

But he heard Bones’ voice in his head.

You should tell him, Jim.

He knocked.

And it took so long for the door to open, Jim almost thought Spock wasn’t there.


Tears pricked his eyes. “Jim, Spock. It’s Jim. Can I-Can I talk to you?”

Spock looking practically perfect in every way stood back to let Jim inside.

Jim looked around and realized that, yes, it looked exactly as it had when he’d been there with Bones.

“How did you find me?” Spock asked quietly.

“That’s a fairly long and rather unbelievable story,” Jim told him. “But I did find you. And that’s what’s important.”

“Would you like to sit?”

“No. For some reason I think maybe standing is better. Spock, there’s no easy way to say this. I’ve missed you these past several years like I’d miss a piece of my heart, a piece of me. Life isn’t worth living without you. I’m a big stupid idiot who can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am for the way I was and how I acted with you and things I said.” He paused. “Like blaming you for Bones’ death.”


“If anyone was responsible other than the Klingons, it was me, not you.”


He shook his head. “I’ve been eaten up by guilt and I took it out on you which is the crappiest worst thing I could have done for both of us. I’ve hated myself ever since and I didn’t know what to say to you or how to tell you I love you so much and I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you, to us.”

Spock simply stared at him, not saying anything.

Jim’s heart pounded hard and painfully in his chest.

“I know my behavior was the ultimate betrayal to the T’hy’la bond and I can’t take that back. I can only try to make it up to you every day for the rest of my life, if you’ll allow me that. Please. Allow me that.”

And then Spock moved forward toward him and Jim almost had a flashback to that moment so long ago on the bridge when—

“T’hy’la,” Spock whispered, just before covering his lips, his cheeks, his whole face with kisses. He was held in Spock’s arms, tight and warm, and the last of Jim’s icy heart melted.

He closed his eyes and clung to Spock desperately. And he said a silent thank you to Amanda, Bones, and even…Marcus.

And to Pike. Pike, most of all.

“Thank you,” he said out loud.

“Jim?” Spock pulled back just slightly to look at Jim, who smiled bright and with a full heart.

“I love you, Spock. Thank you for giving me the chance to show you.”      

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Advent Day 23

“I hear something.”

Spock looked up from his PADD. “Like what?”

Jim frowned. He took a long sip of his coffee. He was seated at the dining room table. He was still wearing his pajamas and robe. His hair was adorably rumpled and at present he wore a pair of wire rimmed spectacles that only seemed to enhance the shade of the blue of his eyes.

“I don’t know.”

“Then how do you know you hear something?” Spock went back to his messages.

“Hmm. It sounds, I don’t know, like a faint rustle. Or scratching maybe.” Jim nudged his foot against Spock’s. “Whatcha reading?”

“One is a message from my father.”

Jim’s lips twitched. “What does dear old dad have to say?”

“He intends to retire his ambassadorial duties,” Spock said, musingly. “And is considering recommending me to replace him.”


“Only if I am interested,” Spock clarified.

“And are you?” Jim put his coffee down. “You heard that, didn’t you?”

“What, Jim?”

“Maybe we have a rat!”

“On the fourth floor of a high rise apartment building?”

“Well. Come on, you didn’t hear what I heard?”  Jim pushed away from the table and stood, taking his coffee with him to the living room. He stopped before the Christmas tree that had been situated by the picture window of their apartment.

Spock sighed and put his PADD down, following Jim. “Do you think I should say no?”

“If you didn’t hear it, yeah.”

“No, ashayam. To Sarek about the ambassadorship.”

Jim, hands on hips, turned to face him. He had removed the glasses and stuck them in the pocket of his robe. “What do you want to do? Do you want to say yes?”

“It would mean brief periodic separations between us.”

“You aren’t answering the actual question, Spock. Do you?”

“I do not know,” he admitted. “It is worth considering. But I do not wish to be parted from you for excessive lengths of time.”

“I don’t want that either but we’ve survived worse.” Jim turned to face the mantle of their apartment where two stockings had been hung.

Spock watched him carefully as Jim walked toward the stockings.

“It’s coming from here, I know it. I’m telling you somehow a rat got into one of these.”

Spock arched a brow.

Suddenly Jim yelped and jumped back as something squirmed in the stocking with the name Jim stitched on it.   

“What the—?”

A moment later a furry black head with slightly rounded ears with tufts of hair coming out of them appeared and mewled.

“Oh my God!” Jim rushed to the stocking and scooped up the fluffball kitten, who immediately began to purr at being held.

Spock smiled. “Do you like her?”

“Do I like her? Are you kidding? She’s the cutest thing ever!”

“Merry Christmas,” Spock said. “I put her in there this morning. I was surprised you did not realize sooner.”

“You devil!” Jim grinned. “She’s so sweet. I love her. And I love you.”

He came to kiss Spock, who kissed him back ignoring the paw that came out to swipe out at his chin.

“You should say yes,” Jim said, softly.


“Your dad. We’ll work it out, Spock. Whatever it takes, we’ll always work around everything as long as we are together.”

“Yes, we will,” Spock agreed.

“And I now have this adorable companion. I think I’ll call her Holly.”

“That is purrrfect.”

Jim laughed. “You are.”

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Advent Day 22

Photo by Jonathan Meyer on

Jim grimaced as the last of the firemen exited his apartment, carrying the remains of his burned Christmas tree. As the last man went through the door, a stray cracked ornament ball crashed to the ground. Spraying glass everywhere.

The captain of the fire department shook his head.

“Sorry, kid. Sometimes this happens. Faulty wire on a too dry tree.”

“That’s what I get for trying to have a real one.”

“It could have been worse. The damage was confined to the tree.” He paused. “And your oven where you burned your dinner.”

Jim rolled his eyes. “Not my day that’s for sure. Or my whole month.”

“Might take a while for the smell to dissipate but you should be fine.” He smiled slightly. “Merry Christmas.”

“Yeah, thanks, you too.” Jim closed and locked the door after he left. He turned to look at the mess the whole thing made. They’d cleaned up somewhat, but now there was more to clean and the glass from the last broken ornament too. “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year my ass.”

A short while later while he was in the middle of sweeping up glass, there was a knock at the door. For a moment, Jim just stood there, trying to figure out who would be at his door.

“Oh Crap.” He stepped over some of the glass and went to the door to open it. “Uh, sorry. I forgot to tell you the date was canceled. I meant to text you.”

The Vulcan at his door tilted his head and looked perplexed. “I smell smoke.”

“Er, yeah. That’s why it’s canceled. The date I mean. And hell, the whole damn holiday season. My tree caught fire, the Vulcan dish I was trying to make is now best described as charcoal. It’s all a disaster. I am. Actually. You’d better make your escape now, Spock.”

Up went Spock’s eyebrow. “Are you finished?”

“Maybe,” Jim said mulishly.

Spock nodded. “May I come in?”

“Why would you want to?”

“To assist you in cleaning up. And to have our date.”


“I am already here. I see little reason to depart now.” Spock paused. “Unless you no longer have any desire to pursue things between us.”

“Believe me, I have all kinds of desires.”

Spock stepped inside and closed the door.

“Then one could say you are wasting time arguing with me. Let us clean up the mess and then make plans to substitute the burned food with something else.” Spock paused. “And perhaps you should plan to vacate this apartment for the foreseeable future and stay with me.”

Jim smiled, feeling suddenly a lot better. Sure his tree was still gone and the food in the trash, but Spock was here.  And wanted Jim to stay with him.

“It is the most wonderful time,” he whispered.


“Nothing.” Jim grabbed Spock’s hand, leaned in and kissed him.  

Blue Christmas

Advent Day 21

Jim was just putting the finishing touches on his present for Mommy when his brother came slamming into the house.

Sam was dressed in a heavy coat and scarf with a knit hat on his head. There was a light dusting of snow on him too.

“What are you doing?” Sam asked.

“Working on my Christmas present for Mommy. It’s a necklace with my hand print.”

His brother stood there silently for a moment or two and then he shook his head. “She’s not coming home for Christmas, Jimmy.”

“Sure, she is,” Jim said, matter-of-factly. He stuck out his tongue in concentration as he put glue on the bale of the necklace.

“No.” Sam paused. “She isn’t.”

Jim looked up at his brother. He had a flicker of a doubt but he quickly dismissed it. “She said she was. She promised.”

“Well she’s breaking that promise. You might as well learn now that adults break their promises all the time.”

“Not Mommy.”

Sam sighed. “She sent a message earlier today. She can’t make it off that rock she’s working on in time to make it. I’m sorry, Jimmy. But she won’t be home from Christmas.”

Jim stared down at the necklace he clutched in his hands. He felt the tremble in his bottom lip even as Sam turned away and stomped upstairs in his snow boots.

A minute later, Jim stood up from the table, scooped up all the stuff he had for the necklace and threw it in the trash.


Jim smiled faintly as he looked up at the tall blue Christmas tree with white lights. It was in the so-called city square on Yorktown. Jim was dressed casually, having ditched his uniform a short while ago. It was the “evening” on Yorktown complete with atmospheric coolness piped in for the time of year.

“You seem sad.”

Jim glanced at Spock, who had just appeared beside him. “I was thinking of blue Christmas.”

“The tree?”

“The song actually. But yeah the tree reminded me of it.”

Spock tilted his head. “And why is it a blue Christmas?”

“Not today really. It’s just…when I was a kid, pretty young, I was expecting Mom to come home, only she couldn’t make it, her work wouldn’t let her get away. I was absolutely beside myself over it. Threw away the present I was making for her and cried for hours.” He shook his head. “I didn’t understand adult obligations then. I just knew she had disappointed me again. After that, for the longest time, I wanted nothing to do with holidays. It just meant disappointment to me and so I stopped even thinking about them let alone celebrating them.”

“Understandable,” Spock spoke quietly. “And now?”

Jim turned to face Spock and smiled, holding out his two fingers as Spock had taught him. Spock met them and, as usual, Jim felt the slightest of zings.

“Now, I couldn’t be happier, and I say, welcome Christmas. But when we get back to the room? I need to video conference Peter. It’s not nearly enough. But I’m close enough to his location to reach him. Mom wasn’t and it was something I really resented for a long time. I should have cut her some slack.”

“You were just a disappointed child,” Spock pointed out, falling into step next to him.

“I know. But I don’t want Peter experiencing any Blue Christmases.” Jim reached for and received Spock’s hand, as they walked back to their room surrounded by twinkling lights.   

I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas

Advent Day 20

There is a a novelty song with that title that never fails to make me laugh.

Photo by Element5 Digital on

 “Who the hell gets married at Christmas?” Jim demanded as he walked side by side with Bones.

“Your dumbass brother as you would call him.”

“Well. Can you blame me? He’s always pulling something like this.”

Bones eyed him. “Is he really pulling something? I mean maybe he just wanted to marry Aurelan.”

Jim shrugged. “But why pick that day? Sam’s always making it about him and now he’s even making Christmas about him.”

They stopped before a building and Jim looked it up and down. Two days before Christmas and his brother’s wedding to Aurelan.

Just as he was about to go in to view the place, a Vulcan was coming out.  A really cute one. Jim recognized him.

“Professor Spock.”

“Cadet Kirk.”

Knowing this was a wedding venue, Jim frowned. “Uh. Are you, uh, getting, uh, you know.”

Spock arched a brow. “I do not know.”


Jim hoped not. Not that he had a damn thing to say about it, of course, but he had the hots for Spock and Spock never gave him the time of day. He’d hate to think of Spock marrying someone. Other than him of course and now he was getting ahead of himself.

“I am not. A friend works at the venue.” Spock paused. “And you?”

“Nah. I’d never be serious enough to get married.”

Bones made a choking noise and Jim glanced at him to see his friend giving him a strange look.

Jim cleared his throat. “You know. With, uh, with anyone I’m currently seeing. Not that I’m seeing anyone at present. I’m not. I’m completely up for grabs. Well, not for grabs. But if you want to grab me—”

“Jim, perhaps we should go inside to meet your brother,” Bones interrupted Jim’s babbling.

“That’s who’s getting married. My idiot brother.”

“I see.” Spock nodded. “Good day to you then.”


And when Spock stared down at the hand that had, actually, grabbed Spock’s arm, Jim knew he should let go. Sure.

“Would you, uh, Christmas Eve. Would you want to have dinner with me? I could make you this zucchini lasagna thing.”

“You are inviting me over for dinner?”

Jim nodded, afraid to say too much for Spock didn’t immediately refuse.

“Very well.”

“You mean you’re coming?”

“I believe I said as much. Cadet.”

And as he moved away, Jim called after him, “Six O’clock.”

When Jim turned around and saw Bones was shaking his head.


“You do know Sam’s rehearsal dinner is Christmas Eve, right?”

“What? Damn. God, he’s just ruining Christmas.”

“You sound like you’re a character in a holiday special,” Bones said dryly. “You’ll figure it out.”

“Right. I think they can do that rehearsal without me.”


“I can’t help it. I just go nuts at Christmas.”

“If only it was just Christmas. Come on, we’re late.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

O Tannenbaum

Advent Day 19

“It is illogical for us to be obtaining a Christmas tree when we do not normally celebrate Christmas,” Spock’s father told his wife, Amanda, Spock’s mother, as they arrived at the tree lot to do just that.

Spock’s father, Sarek, a full Vulcan celebrated nothing. Spock’s mother had been born and raised Jewish but as far as Spock could tell, she likewise celebrated nothing.

Yet here they were.

“Susan converted to her husband, Tom’s religion and they do celebrated Christmas,” Mother said as they passed through the open gate.

Susan was Mother’s sister and Spock’s aunt. They were on Earth at present in San Francisco near the Federation Head Quarters. Aunt Susan and Uncle Tom lived there and at present Spock and his parents were staying with them.

“I told Susan we would get the tree for them,” Mother continued.

Spock was aware that his father knew all this and yet Sarek chose to complain anyway, which Spock found most illogical. A part of marriage, his mother would have told him had he asked.

Spock had decided some time ago he had no intention of ever being married.

“Spock, why don’t you look around and see if you can find a tree? As soon as you find one you like, come and get us and we’ll take it home.”

“I can choose the tree?” Spock decided to clarify the point.

“Yes.” Mother smiled. “There’s a stand over there selling hot cocoa. I’m going to make your father buy me one.”

Spock nodded. “Very well.”

Spock walked away from his parents and down the next aisle. He quickly noticed two Human boys on the same aisle. One was about his age, but the other was a few years younger and wore some sort of elaborate Christmas tree costume. On the top of the boy’s head was a star and only his face and feet were uncovered by a giant fabric tree upon which glittery applique ornaments had been glued.

“You look ridiculous,” the older boy said.

Spock had to agree.

But the boy noticeably deflated and his bottom lip trembled.

“Oh don’t cry,” the older boy snapped. “You had to know how stupid you would look in that dumbass costume when you chose to wear it, Jim. Why Mom agreed to let you wear it when we came to get a tree is beyond me.”

“Because she made it, Sam. It was for the pageant at school.”

“I know what it was for. I just don’t know why you had to be such a dork as to wear it tonight.”

“Because we were coming for a tree and I thought it would be funny.”

Sam grimaced. “Well, it’s not. It just makes you look stupid. I’m going over to the next aisle so no one sees me with you. Don’t follow me.”


And the older boy left the younger one standing there by himself. For a moment the young boy did nothing, just stared at the ground. His cheeks were so red, Spock feared he might have a fit.

When Spock took a few steps closer, he noticed a single tear had fallen onto the boy’s cheek. And he realized then that he not only did not agree with the bully “Sam”, he actually hated the other boy.

The young boy suddenly looked up and Spock saw that he had the bluest eyes Spock had ever seen. And they were…beautiful, even as they glistened with tears.


“I am sorry I overheard that other Human picking on you.”

“That’s my brother,” he said. “I’m used to it. He doesn’t like me.”

“He is a fool. My name is Spock.”


“Hello, Jim.” Spock held out his hand. “Come with me.”

Jim frowned though he put his hand in Spock’s. “To where?”

“I was told that I could choose any tree on the lot,” Spock explained. “I have chosen you.”


“You are a tree, are you not?”


“Spock? Oh there you are.” Mother came down the aisle toward them. She smiled widely at Jim. “Oh who is this?”

“His name is Jim and he is the tree I have chosen.”

Mother actually laughed. “Hello, Jim. Spock, Jim is a boy, not a tree.”

“But he is dressed as one and you said—”

“Jim! James Tiberius! Where are you?”

Jim’s eyes widened and he dropped Spock’s hand. “That’s my mommy.”

Suddenly a blonde Human woman appeared together with the bully “Sam”. “There you are. Don’t get separated from the family.” She glanced at Spock and his mom. “And you shouldn’t bother other people.”

“He’s not bothering us,” Mother assured her.

The woman smiled. “Oh, well, good. But we do have to go. Say goodbye to your friends, Jim.”

“K. Bye Spock and lady.”

Spock nearly took hold of an ornament on Jim’s tree to pull him back, but at that moment, Mother put her hand on his shoulder and stopped him. They watched the Humans walk away.

“Spock? What’s gotten into you? You know you can’t keep another child.”

Spock nodded. “Yes. But I have not chosen another tree.”

“I know. It’s all right. Your father has found one. Let’s go.”

Spock trailed after but he did not forget the Human boy dressed as a tree and in fact he was certain he would meet that boy again some day. He was right.    

Last Christmas

Advent Day 18

Photo by Irina Iriser on

“Well, Jim, you went and broke your leg but good.”

Jim grimaced. “You don’t have to tell me. I was the one who came crashing down those stairs.”

Bones patted his shoulder. “You want the good news or the bad news?”


“Your leg can be fixed so you won’t have any long-term issues.”

Jim nodded. “But?”

“It’s broken in so many spots that we need a specialist to come in and use the regeneration on it.”

“You mean you can’t just do it?”

“Correct. I’m calling in an orthopedic surgeon. He’ll get you fixed up, no problem.”

Jim smiled. “Good. When does he get here?”

Bones sighed and squeezed the shoulder his hand still rested on. “That’s part of the bad news. He’s on Rigel 3 at the moment.”

Rigel 3?”

“Yup. Won’t get back to Earth until after the first.”

Jim frowned, taking that in.  ”Of January?”

“Exactly. So you got a few weeks to wait. Now, you’ll have a full cast on that leg, so my recommendation is—”

“No way, forget it,” Jim quickly interrupted. “I am not staying in the hospital until then.”

“Jim, it’s going to be hard for you to get around with your leg in a cast like that. You live upstairs.”

“You live on the first floor of your building. I could stay with you.”

“Maybe but I’m supposed to be going to see Jo.”

“Okay, so I’ll stay at your place by myself.”


“It’s a broken leg, Bones. I’m not paralyzed.”

“Still. Maybe I should see if someone can stay with you.”

Jim shook his head. “There’s no one.”

“How about—”

“Don’t even finish that sentence. No. I’ll be fine by myself. You can set me up with food and I’ll stay inside and not bother anyone. Before you know it, you’ll be back and taking me to see the surgeon.”

“This is against my better judgment, Jim.”

“Duly noted.”


By the time Jim struggled to the door of Bones’ apartment, he was out of breath and sweating. He couldn’t say his leg hurt exactly, but the whole experience was extremely uncomfortable, and if it was just some delivery person he was going to be pissed because whoever it was kept ringing the bell repeatedly.   

Jim couldn’t deny he was cranky. He just wanted to be done with having his leg fixed and back to his own place and his job back at HQ. It was Christmas Eve and he was alone, heating up left over mac and cheese.

“What do you want?” Jim demanded as he yanked open the door.

To his dismay, it was no delivery guy but instead a Vulcan. A stupid, arrogant, asshole one. “What the hell are you doing here?”


He started to close the door but Spock stopped the action.

“Please. May I come in?”

Jim was in no condition to fight him, so he moved back far enough to let Spock in.

Spock closed the door after himself.

“Look, last Christmas—”

“That is why I am here.”

Jim shook his head. “I gave you my heart, but you threw it away. Didn’t want to have anything to do with me and my illogical Human heart.”

“I was wrong and I have come to tell you—”

“Save it. This year I’m giving my heart to someone special.”

Spock, momentarily nonplussed, frowned. “Who?”

“I don’t know, but definitely not you.”

“Jim, last year was a mistake. When I learned of your injury…”

“Did Bones contact you? I told him not to. Look, I don’t want anything to do with you and your too logical Vulcan heart. Get lost.”

“Please. I…know I deserve your disdain, but this past year has taught me that I cannot live without you. I am in love with you.”

“That’s too bad because…what?”

Spock moved closer to him, took Jim’s hand. “I am irrevocably in love with you. I cannot change the mistakes I have made in the past, I can only spend the rest of our lives loving and worshiping you.”

Jim blinked. “I don’t need to be worshipped.”

“Loving you only then. And only loving you. From now until the rest of our lives.” Spock paused. “And beyond.”

“That’s pretty romantic coming from a Vulcan.”

“You bring it out in me. Please. Give me a chance. And allow me to care for you until your leg is repaired. I will wait upon you hand and foot.”

Jim bit his lip. “Well.”

“Whatever you want for your meal for Christmas Eve and Christmas and every day beyond, I will make it happen.”


“Please.” Spock looked down at their entwined hands. “It is not in my nature to beg, but I realize it is required in this situation. If you ask me to leave, I will do so, but I am, in fact, begging you, not to send me away.”

“Spock, I have only one thing to say.”

Spock squeezed the hand he held.

“Kiss me.”

It’s a Marshmallow World

Advent Day 17

 Jim stopped before the sign that read on the door Cookie Competition. He smiled and glanced at the message  he’d received. Yep, this was definitely the place.

He pushed the door open and entered the building. He could see his mom’s station toward the back, so he headed there.

“How’s it going, Mom?”

She clapped. “Jim! You made it. You tell me, how do they look?”

He surveyed her marshmallow cookie creations. She’d made some into the shape of igloos and then made penguins and polar bears. They were adorable.

“Fantastic. They look great. Who’s your biggest competition?”

“See that lady at the end there with the scarf and the Vulcan hovering beside her?”

Jim looked and his heart stilled. Oh yeah, he was well familiar with that Vulcan.  


“Uh. Yeah. I’m sure yours are better. What’s she making?”

“Spice cookies but she has it all beautifully decorated with poinsettias and cardinals.”

Jim bit his lip. “I’ll go swing by.”

“Okay, but be inconspicuous!” she called after him.

“Fat chance,” he muttered.

He saddled up to their display and checked it out while the pair were speaking to someone else.

Jim had to admit the lady’s work was very elegant and pretty compared to his mom’s cutesy stuff. A moment later, the Vulcan moved to stand beside him, hands linked behind his back.

“You, uh, were gone when I woke,” Jim said out of the side of his mouth.

“I had to teach an early morning class. It was no reflection on you and our…activities.”

Jim’s lips twitched. “That’s good to know as I’d like to have more of those activities.”

“As would I.”

“Your mother?”

“Indeed. And yours?”

Jim laughed. “Yeah. She’s here for Christmas and decided to enter this competition.”

“My mother and father are currently here also.”

“Maybe we should have a get together,” Jim said, turning to Spock. ”Your mom does beautiful work.” He paused. “Just like her son.”

Spock arched a brow. “I will see you after the competition.”

“Maybe my mom will win the cutest and your mom the prettiest.”

“Perhaps. Dinner, Cadet?”

“Of course, Professor.”

Jim returned to his mom’s display.

She eyed him. “You were getting pretty cozy there.”

“Well, uh, turns out I’m seeing her son, that Vulcan.”

“Jim! You didn’t tell em you were seeing someone.”


“Well.” She crossed her arms. “I guess it’s okay if she beats me. Sorta.”

He laughed and kissed her. “Either way, you’re the best in my eyes.”

She hugged him. “And you for me. I can’t wait to meet your boyfriend.”

“Now, I didn’t say he was my boyfriend,” Jim protested.

“Would you like him to be?”

He smiled. “Yeah, I would.”

“Then I am sure he will be. It’ll be my Christmas wish.”

He laughed. “If only you really were Santa Claus.”

“Who says I’m not?” She winked. “Now, shh, here come the judges.”

Merry Christmas, Darling

Advent Day 16

It was stupid, Jim guessed, to be spending the evening of Christmas Eve wishing Spock was there with him.

Spock didn’t celebrate anything, never had, and Spock’s Human family had been Jewish.

Hell, even Jim and his family hadn’t been religious in any way. Back when Jim was a boy living at the farmhouse with his dad and Sam, they’d done Christmases. Well and before that, before Jim’s mom had left because she wanted more from life than being George Kirk’s wife and Sam and Jim’s Mom. Mom had been there for a few too. The live tree, the boughs of greenery and holly berries. He’d loved it, though Sam acted like it was lame. Once Jim went to stay with his mother on Tarsus IV, well there were no Christmases there and when he returned there was Starfleet and starships and Jim let his old Christmas memories go.

But then he’d retired from Starfleet, hell, for the fourth time, Jim figured, he’d go back to it. Living part of the time in San Francisco, Spock preferred it there, and part time in Riverside, where Jim preferred it, he’d had a number of Christmases with trees and wreaths and big meals of way too much food and little token gifts Spock always deemed illogical. Jim told him dozens of times that was the point.

Last Christmas had been in San Francisco and Spock had been with him. This year, though, Spock was away on Vulcan dealing with some crisis involving Sarek, nothing Jim had to be involved in, Spock assured him, and he was alone at the farmhouse instead.

He’d debated even bothering with the usual Christmas trappings. But in the end he’d gotten a tree, strung lights and put up the decorations.

Now it was Christmas Eve and he was standing before the tree by himself. He’d put on a fire and there was a casserole baking in the oven.

“Merry Christmas, Darling.”

Jim smiled faintly. There was an old song that came to mind from hundreds of years before.

“I wish I were with you.”

He should have gone to Vulcan with Spock. They didn’t do something as illogical as Christmas, of course, but he’d be with Spock.

With a sigh, Jim turned from the tree to go into the kitchen to check on his casserole. He opened the oven and bent down to take out the casserole and then remembered he had no potholders.

“Dummy,” he mumbled as he reached for the potholders. “Trying to burn yourself.”

“That would be unfortunate.”

Jim dropped the potholders and stumbled back from the oven.

“Spock?” He rubbed his eyes.

“Your eyes do not deceive you,” his husband said from the edge of the kitchen. He wore a robe similar to the one he’d worn on Earth when they went back for the whales.

Jim rushed at him and embraced him, crushing Spock to him. “It’s a Christmas miracle.”

“Hardly,” Spock said dryly. “There was nothing miraculous about it. I came on a passenger ship and then a shuttle here.”

Jim laughed and kissed him. “It’s my miracle anyway. I wished for you. How is it you’re here?”

Spock raised a brow. “As you said, you wished for me.”

“Right. But really…”

“I know how much you love this time of year and especially here. So I made the effort. I will be returning to my duties on Vulcan in a few days.”

“Perhaps I’ll come with you.”

“Perhaps you will.”

Jim took his hand. “Come, darling. Merry Christmas.”

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