Next up is The Ties That Bind. I hope to get to that this week. It only has a handful of chapters left.

Next week I will return to Our So-Called Life. Don’t know what else yet.

I’ve joined a gym so my time for writing might become more limited, but I think I’ve been keeping up pretty well with updates.

I think I only have 8 works in progress now which is pretty good for me. The OMS Challenge is coming up and I haven’t decided whether I am participating this year. IF I do it will likely be AOS OMS (too many initials). That’s not due until November. But as you know I have a pretty ambitious flash schedule coming up as well as the usual Christmas related stuff.

Anyway, the more stories I can finish, the better. That way when I croak of heat stroke or a heart attack on the treadmill I won’t have too many stories left unfinished! HA