The conclusion

It wasn’t until lunch the next day that Spock, together with Jim, joined their friends at the Academy’s Universal Cafeteria. It was well-known to serve food known to every Federation planet. Spock often chose Vulcan dishes, though on that particular day he chose vegan potato leek soup. Jim chose the same thing.

At the table, already seated, were Nyota and Jim’s friend, Leonard McCoy, who had been lately making himself more at home with their group.  

“Where were you two all day yesterday?” McCoy asked.

Jim grinned. “Oh. Well. Spock and I were getting to know each other a little better.”

“Haven’t you guys been roommates for months, why would you…” McCoy suddenly turned red as Jim laughed. “Never mind.”

Nyota was covering her own laugh with her hand.

“Sorry, Bones. But yeah, we, uh, spent the day together.”

“I see.” He huffed. “Does that mean I have to do the shovel talk?”


Spock took a sip of his soup. “Allow me.” He turned to McCoy. “Should you ever interfere with my relationship with Jim, your family and friends will never find a trace of you.”

“What the hell!”

“Spock.” Jim was now squealing with laughter. Nyota was joining him.

“I am,” Spock said slowly, coldly, “of course…jesting.”

“Oh, of course.” McCoy leaned back in his seat, arms across his chest. “Now listen here you green blooded—”

“All right, enough,” Jim interrupted.  “No insulting my boyfriend. It’s not cool.”

“Jim is correct. It is not wise to throw insults at me. I should warn you that I have contacts with several nefarious organizations that can see to it that you are never heard from again.”

“Spock.” Jim smiled and shook his head. He briefly touched his fingers to Spock’s. “Bones is going to think you’re serious.”

“Hmm. I can see how things are going to go around here now. Luckily I have a class.”

Nyota pushed back. She picked up her frappe. Spock was starting to think that was all she ever had. “Me too. See you two lovebirds later.”

And then she chased after McCoy, as they left the cafeteria together.

Jim smiled faintly. “Nefarious organizations, huh?”

“Indeed. At least five.”

Jim reached his spoon over to Spock’s soup and stole a mouthful.

“You have your own.”

“It doesn’t taste as good.”

Spock nearly rolled his eyes. “It is the same.”

“Maybe.” Jim rested his chin on his hand. “What do you say we go home?”

“I have a class in an hour and you have two,” Spock reminded him.

Jim sighed. “Yeah. What do you say we go home anyway?”

Spock’s lips twitched. “To get to know each other better?”

“Hell yeah.”

Spock pushed away from the table. “I say again, terrible influence. We really must attend our classes tomorrow.”

“It’s a Saturday.” Jim grinned as he hurried to keep pace with Spock’s long strides.

“Monday then. Yes, let’s go home.”